Squirrel Friends Productions (founded by myself and my creative partner, Kristen McGregor) is a production company aimed at creating inspiring and entertaining content for children, with kid-focused documentaries and educational content highlighting STEM topics and problem solving.
What's Inside? series
50 x 1min, airing on TVO Kids (Ontario) & Curious World streaming app.
2016 Prix Jeunesse Interstitial Prize Finalist.
Mo's Bows documentary short
Premiered at TIFF Kids
Accepted in over 30 festivals worldwide.
Streaming in FACETSKids app.
London's Home documentary short
Licensed by "KUKI in the Classroom."
Little Moon Lost
Winner, Best Children's Film Columbia Gorge int'l Film Festival (USA- WA)
Winner, Best Short Short Lancaster Area Film Festival (USA- PA)
Winner Royal Reel Award Canada International Film Festival (Canada)
Official selection in additional festivals worldwide